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Pamela Geller and CNN Host Go at It Again in Another Tense Exchange: 'They're Going to Come For You, Too

Pamela Geller and CNN Host Go at It Again in Another Tense Exchange: 'They're Going to Come For You, Too

"Drawing a cartoon … warrants chopping my head off?"

Conservative activist Pamela Geller told TheBlaze on Thursday that CNN host Chris Cuomo's controversial claim last month that “hate speech is excluded from protection” under the U.S. Constitution shows that he has "no idea what the First Amendment is all about."

Pamela Geller (Photo Credit: Pamela Geller) Pamela Geller (Photo credit: Pamela Geller)

Geller, whose Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest was targeted by Islamic extremists in Garland, Texas, last month, added that she believes Cuomo showed the "establishment left's effort to use the concept of 'hate speech' to curtail freedom of speech."

Just hours after making these comments in an email to TheBlaze, Geller appeared on CNN's "New Day," during which she confronted Cuomo about Shariah law and extremism, while also describing how her life has changed in recent weeks.

"I’m under 24-hour guard now, so that’s dramatically changed," she told Cuomo. "Anybody who speaks critically of Islam will find themselves in this position."

Geller continued, noting the difference between the way she believes that critics of Islam are treated abroad versus here in America, "In the West, you’re not assassinated, but your character is assassinated. You are defamed, libeled and ridiculed if you dare criticize Islam."

The conversation became a bit more heated after Cuomo asked if Geller has wondered if maybe she went too far with her "draw Muhammad" contest, especially considering that she was reportedly targeted for beheading by terror suspect Usaama Rahim.

"Drawing a cartoon … warrants chopping my head off? That’s too far? I just don’t understand this," Geller said. "They’re going to come for you, too, Chris. They’re coming for everybody and the media should be standing with me."

The two proceeded to battle over whether it was appropriate for American media outlets to decline to show controversial Danish cartoons that were published back in 2005, with Geller decrying the decision not to show them.

"Members of the Muslim community who aren’t terrorists said they found it offensive," he said of the reasoning why they weren't shown.

Geller, though, pushed back.

"So what? I find a lot of things offensive. … I find you telling me that my speech is offensive — I find that offensive," she said. "I’m not going to kill you. This is what is required to live in a pluralistic society. And I will not abridge my First Amendment rights so as not to offend savages, which is what is being demanded of me."

Watch that exchange below:

In her email interview with TheBlaze, Geller expanded upon her purported targeting by Rahim, noting that he was allegedly angry with her over her apparent violation of blasphemy laws.

"They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by them voluntarily. This is a showdown for American freedom," she said. "Will we stand against this savagery, or bow down to them and silence ourselves? It won't end with me or the cops ... it's just beginning."

Geller questioned whether the media would realize whether the "[Islamic State] is here" or whether their "hate" for her message will trump the recognition of what she called a real-life terror threat.

As for her own safety, Geller reiterated that there are police officers helping to protect her, as extremists continue to make threats on her life.

"I have received death threats via email, but more important is the chatter that police and FBI have picked up, indicating an imminent plot against me," she said.

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."