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Raw Video Captures the Moment Cops Were Shot in Ferguson — and a Disgusting Reaction From Someone at the Scene
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Raw Video Captures the Moment Cops Were Shot in Ferguson — and a Disgusting Reaction From Someone at the Scene

"It came from behind us."

Chaos, pain — and a lecture.

The "ambush"-style shooting of two police officers outside the Ferguson Police Department late Wednesday night was caught on camera, and the reaction of at least one person on the scene might disgust you.

In the raw video below, the blast of gunfire rings out — it sounds as if three shots are fired — and people begin yelling, cursing and scattering.

A man's voice can be heard screaming in apparent pain.

Then, 22 seconds after the first shot was fired, a man shouts what seems to be a rebuke aimed at the police who have just been shot, blaming them for the attack: "Acknowledgment nine months ago would have kept that from happening!"

The killing of black 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was shot by a white police officer in Ferguson on August 9 of last year, became a rallying cry in a series of anti-police demonstrations that wracked the nation and enveloped the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson for weeks on end.

Watch the chaotic moments below (content warning: strong language and disturbing content):

The two police officers shot Wednesday night have been hospitalized, both in serious condition with non-life threatening injuries, St. Louis County police reported.

This story has been updated.

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