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Hilarious and Horrifying: Beck Uses Spaghetti to Demonstrate Just How Quickly Ebola Can Spread
Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Hilarious and Horrifying: Beck Uses Spaghetti to Demonstrate Just How Quickly Ebola Can Spread

"Pelting him with spaghetti and chocolate sauce to simulate projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea..."

Glenn Beck on Wednesday used spaghetti and chocolate sauce to indicate just how quickly Ebola can spread. The segment was both hilarious (imagine Beck's radio co-host, Stu Burguiere, pelting Beck with handfuls of spaghetti to simulate projectile vomiting), and horrifying when you saw just how exposed the health care workers reportedly were at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

According to a statement by the co-president of National Nurses United, nurses who treated Thomas Eric Duncan -- the man who flew from West Africa to Dallas with Ebola -- had no real guidelines on how to deal with such an infectious disease, though the CDC insisted they were prepared. As the nurses dealt with "copious amounts" of highly contagious bodily fluids, they said some were not even wearing shoe covers.

Beck dressed exactly as the nurses reportedly did, commenting on how much of himself was exposed. Then Burguiere started pelting him with spaghetti and chocolate sauce to simulate the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea Duncan exhibited.

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

"So I have to now get out of this [suit] without getting any of this stuff on me," Beck said. "And we used [sauce] so you could see it. This is why you would go in a containment facility and you would go and be hosed down [with Doctors Without Borders]."

Beck said there was "no way" to get his gloves off without putting himself at risk, though he tried. And once he had taken off his gloves and his gown, he noted that the spaghetti and chocolate had seeped beneath the gown anyway.

Here is what Beck looked like once he had taken off the protective items -- how he allegedly could have gone to other wards of the hospital and back home:

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

"I can feel it on my pants. They have soaked through," he said. "If that's blood, vomit, diarrhea, whatever ... that transferred to them. ... And we're letting these [people] get on to airplanes? It's insanity!"

The entire segment must be watched to be fully understood:

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Beck asked how the CDC can be "closely monitoring" these healthcare workers who were exposed to the Ebola virus, yet the second worker to test positive was on a commercial airliner just two days ago.

"What could possibly go wrong in a giant airtight metal tube with hundreds of other people crammed in like sardines?" Beck asked heatedly. "It's unbelievable. How in the name of everything good and holy is one of these high-risk healthcare workers allowed to hop on a plane? And I'm sorry, but what was the nurse thinking? What was she thinking? ... You've been in direct contact with an Ebola patient! Who in their right mind says I'm going to hop on a plane before the incubation period has passed?"

Beck said the average person comes into contact with around 20 people per day, so this one woman -- by sitting in an airtight metal tube with 132 other passengers -- has put 2,640 people at risk.

"One person. One flight. But don't worry, the CDC's not going to let that happen again!" Beck said with heavy sarcasm. "They're going to ban those people from traveling around the country."

"Wait a minute -- you won't ban people from flying into our country [from West Africa], but you're going to ban people from Texas flying other places?" Beck said with mounting anger. "No travel bans from West Africa? This is crazy talk! And all of us know it. All of us know it! Liberians, totally safe. Americans, no."

Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV) Glenn Beck speaks on his television program October 15, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Beck asked the audience to pardon him for not feeling like we're "pulling out all the stops" to contain the virus when we are apparently "prioritizing the hurt feelings of Liberians over shutting down the travel out of West Africa."

"I'm not exactly brimming with confidence. I'm sorry, I live in Dallas!" Beck said. "My friends, my family, lives in Dallas! And it's not going to stay in Dallas."

"You may not be feeling the frustration if you're in another part of the country, but here it's ground zero," Beck continued. "Four of my employees received a notice this morning at their apartment complex [that the second healthcare worker with Ebola lived in their neighborhood]."

"You take the lax response and the exponential growth capabilities of this virus and you have a terrifying combination," Beck said. "By the CDC's own worst-case scenario estimate, there could be 1.4 million cases by January 2015. 2015. That's this coming January!"

Beck said that with a death rate of 70 percent, that's 980,000 people dead just a few months from now.

"If we don't start demanding that we shut the [flights out of West Africa] down and we start using common sense, not politically correct moves, this will literally be the death of us," Beck said. "Think of this: there are now 5,000 dead. By January, we would be just a few short of one million humans dead. There is no room for error, golf games, fundraising, or political correctness."

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