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What Does an alleged Air Force vet with PTSD think about Bergdahl back at work after six weeks?
The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson airs from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. ET Monday through Friday.

What Does an alleged Air Force vet with PTSD think about Bergdahl back at work after six weeks?

When Kris, who says he is an Air Force soldier with PTSD in California, heard this morning that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal would be returning to active duty only six weeks after being released in a prisoner swap, he had to call into TheBlaze Radio's "Morning Blaze With Doc Thompson."

"It took me two years to go back to active duty service, and I wasn't even captured!" Kris said "Six weeks is what they give you when you come back from deployment."

Kris also explained exactly how the process of reintegration works, and speculated how Bergdhal may be treated in his new role.

Hear the interesting call below. Kris calls in at 53:30.




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