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Dog Survives 11-Mile Ride After Getting Hit -- Then Wedged in a Car Grille

Dog Survives 11-Mile Ride After Getting Hit -- Then Wedged in a Car Grille

"This is definitely one of the luckiest dogs I've met."

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (TheBlaze/AP) -- A dog who survived an 11-mile ride from Massachusetts to Rhode Island after being hit by a car and wedged into the grille has been reunited with its owners.

The owners, who weren't identified, told WPRI-TV that the dog's survival is a "miracle."

East Providence Animal Control supervisor William Muggle said the owners claimed "Suzie" on Tuesday after seeing news reports. Animal control tells The Providence Journal they had veterinary paperwork with the dog's microchip number.

"One of the more bizarre stories by far," Muggle said. "We've never come across anything like this."

Muggle also detailed the bizarre story, claiming that the female poodle mix ran in front of a car in Taunton, Mass., Sept. 20. The driver slammed on the brakes but didn't see the dog.

Muggle said another motorist noticed it when the driver reached East Providence. Animal control officers were able to free the fluffy white pooch, which suffered a concussion and minor injuries. WPRI-TV has more about what unfolded when the other motorist noticed Suzie:

"She was kind of wedged in there with the license plate and the license plate cover," said Muggle.

Muggle rushed to the scene and tried to pull the dog out, not knowing if she would survive.

"She was holding on to the front bumper, holding on for dear life if it were," he said.

Amazingly, the dog was nearly unscathed. She had a concussion which has since cleared up, and a minor bladder issue that has been fixed as well.

"This is definitely one of the luckiest dogs I've met."

In the end, this was truly a happy ending for Suzie's owners.

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."