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Dem Convention Speaker Never Worked for a Bain-Controlled Company

Dem Convention Speaker Never Worked for a Bain-Controlled Company

"... former employees of companies controlled by Romney's Bain Capital."

Three speakers billed as "former employees of companies controlled by Romney's Bain Capital" took the stage Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention and accused former Bain executive and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney of being a pretty rotten human being.

Odd thing, though: One of the speakers, David Foster, never actually worked for a Bain-controlled company.

"In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised -- they were all gone,” said the non-Bain employee on Wednesday.

Foster never actually worked for the company, according to ABC News and a former spokesman for the company. He was a union organizer at the time.

"David Foster was never an employee of GST Steel’s Kansas City plant. He was employed by the United Steelworkers of America as their regional union director to represent GST Steel, but was not employed at our facility,” BC Huselton, who was head of HR at GST, told ABC News.

Listen to how the speakers are introduced and then skip to Foster at the 05:02 mark [via CSPAN]:

True, Foster does refer to himself as an "organizer" in his speech. But between not making this explicitly clear and having him introduced as a former employee of a company that was "controlled by Romney's Bain Capital," what were casual viewers supposed to think?

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