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Romney Campaign Launches New Website Embracing His Work at Bain Capital

Romney Campaign Launches New Website Embracing His Work at Bain Capital

"This is the most anti-business President in memory."

With just hours to go before Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney speaks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., his campaign has boldly embraced his career in the private sector with a new website titledRomney’s "Sterling Business Career."

“Governor Romney's work at Bain Capital was about fixing companies that were broken and giving new companies a shot at success,” the site proudly proclaims.

Featuring multiple videos and testimonials promoting the former Massachusetts governor’s experiences in the private sector, the website is notable for a few reasons.

First, because it signals that the Romney/Ryan ticket is absolutely determined to make this election about the U.S. economy -- not the “war on women” or supposed racial "dog whistles."

The second reason the site is notable is because its name, Romney’s “Sterling Business Career," is based on a quote from former President Bill Clinton:

"So I don't think that we ought to get in the position where we say this is bad work, this is good work. I think, however, the real issue ought to be what has Governor Romney advocated in the campaign that he will do as president?” Clinton said during a CNN interview.

“There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office, and you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, a man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold [emphasis added],” he added.

Considering the fact that Bill Clinton will appear as a keynote speaker at the Democrat National Convention in Charlotte, N.C, next month, having the Romney campaign launch a website using his own words against him might be just a little embarrassing -- especially if Democrats want to continue down the whole "You Didn’t  Build That," Bain-bashing road.

“The Obama campaign's attacks on business and free enterprise aren't just false; they explain why we aren't creating jobs. They reveal what this President really thinks about free enterprise,” the Romney campaign’s new website claims.

“This is the most anti-business President in memory, and the results are clear: 23 million Americans are struggling for work, and unemployment has been above eight percent for 42 straight months. It's time to make a change to someone who understands the private sector and can get America working again,” the site adds.

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Front page photo courtesy the AP.

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