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See Rev. Wright Dodging Odd Questions at the Airport (in Red Sneakers!)

See Rev. Wright Dodging Odd Questions at the Airport (in Red Sneakers!)

"What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever read in the Bible?"

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright told Florida Avenue Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, that America's most prestigious academic institutions are infecting black people's brains with "white racist DNA." As he has in the past, the controversial preacher also took aim at the Tea Party.

But before delivering his fiery sermon, it seems President Obama's former faith leader had an encounter with celebrity journalist Colin Drummond. Their meeting and short-lived conversation was, shall we say, less than pleasant.

(Related: Jeremiah Wright: America‘s Elite Colleges Infect Black People’s Brains With ‘White Racist DNA’)

In a video that Drummond posted of Wright, it appears the controversial pastor was just arriving in D.C. when their paths crossed, as the brief -- and uncomfortable -- discussion took place outside the Reagan International Airport. Dressed in shorts, a casual shirt and a bright red pair of sneakers, Wright was visibly agitated by the journalist's line of questioning.

Fishbowl continues, providing a recap of the awkward encounter. The outlet claims that "Wright doesn’t practice what he preaches" and dubbed his reaction to the journalist as relatively angry:

[Drummond] began by pressing [Wright] about Morgan Freeman‘s belief that Obama is not the first black president. Wright had “no thoughts” on it. Drummond continued, “Do you think President Obama ought to be reelected?” No discernible answer. And then, an easy one: “What will the worship be on?” Answer: Jesus. The Bible.

Drummond goes in for the kill: “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever read in the Bible?” This is when Wright goes insane and with a half smile-sneer combo replies, “How people don’t leave you alone when you’re trying to be with your family.”

Drummond asks innocently, “That’s in the Bible?” He started in on another question and Wright lost his flipping mind: “LISTEN LISTEN I am NOT going to TALK to you,” he spewed.  Even Wright’s wife had to calm him down.

Watch the hilarity for yourself, below:

(H/T: Fishbowl D.C.)

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."