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The Blaze Invites You to Ask Prominent Atheist Your Most Burning Questions

...what will you ask atheist activist Todd Stiefel?

If given the chance, what would you ask an atheist activist? Now, I'm not just talking about your average, run-of-the-mill apathetic non-believer. I'm talking about individuals bent on spreading their message of non-belief -- so-called non-theistic revolutionaries. And one in particular: the man dubbed the "George Soros" of the atheist movement.

Todd Stiefel, a millionaire atheist who is devoting his efforts -- and financial powers -- to groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), American Atheists and the Secular Coalition for America, to name a few, is working diligently to make non-believers a powerful and collective social and political force in the U.S.

You may recall a profile The Blaze ran back in April on Stiefel. Now, he is coming forward to answer some of your most burning questions about the atheist activist movement. In the next two weeks, he has agreed to publish responses to some of our readers' questions.

So, what is it that you would like to better understand about Stiefel and his compatriots? Are you confused about why non-believing activists are bent on targeting nativity scenes? Do you wonder why atheists continue posting those seemingly never-ending anti-religion billboards?

We'll be picking the best questions and presenting them to Stiefel for consideration. Then, we'll be publishing his answers to you. To submit your questions, simply post them in the comments section at the end of the piece.

As we've reported, the activist segment of the secular movement is filled with people who sometimes insult and rail against religion through billboards and public proclamations, among other public showings. Many of them put their efforts towards lawsuits aimed at removing nativities, crosses and religious symbols from public property.

But tone matters and, depending on the atheist in question, methodologies and levels of inflammatory rhetoric differ. Regardless of how these advocates manage their tactics, in the end, one thing is for sure: American secularists are organizing, mobilizing and coming together like never before.

As we noted in our previous coverage, Stiefel takes a less-confrontational tone than some of his activist counterparts. While you may disagree with his beliefs (or, perhaps you agree and simply want more clarification), this "ask an atheist" opportunity allows you to get responses directly from one of the movement's key players.

Editor's Note: There was an overwhelming response to the open call for questions. The Blaze is working to bring you the first series of answers on Friday (May 25).

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."