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Pat Robertson: 'What Is This 'Mac & Cheese?' Is That a Black Thing?

Pat Robertson: 'What Is This 'Mac & Cheese?' Is That a Black Thing?

“It is a black thing, Pat!”

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson tends to find himself in the limelight for making comments that some find offensive, curious or entertaining (sometimes, a combination of the three). Today, on CBN's "The 700 Club," Robertson asked co-host Kristi Watts, "What is this 'mac and cheese?' Is that a black thing?"

The question, which seems even more bizarre without context, was posed after an interview between Watts and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was aired. During the interview, Watts asked Rice, "What’s that one thing at Thanksgiving you just have to have?" Rice's answer? Mac and cheese. Watts agreed that it is her favorite holiday dish as well.

Mediaite has more:

A confused Robertson, who grew up in Lexington, Virginia, acted like he had never heard of the culinary dish, a popular American staple for generations and absent-mindedly singled out the meal as a food reserved for blacks. [...]

“It is a black thing, Pat!” exclaimed Watts. “Listen! And you guys! The world needs to get on board with macaroni and cheese. Seriously, I just– Christmas and Thanksgiving, we have to have macaroni and cheese and it just trips me out that you just don’t. ”

“I don’t and I have never!” the televangelist conceded.

Watch the interaction, below:

(H/T: Mediaite)

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."