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Did Herman Cain End the GOP Debate With a Line From Pokemon?

Did Herman Cain End the GOP Debate With a Line From Pokemon?

"A poet once said..."

You know Pokémon, right? The cute, Furby-like creatures have been amazingly popular in video games, television and movies for more than a decade. Now, it seems the little monsters, having already conquered these venues, are working their way onto the American political stage.

At the end of last night's debate, while issuing his final comments, Herman Cain told the crowd the following:

“A poet once said, ‘life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it’s never easy when there’s so much on the line.’"

Surely, there is wisdom in these words. Is life a challenge? Sure, sometimes. Can it seem impossible? Absolutely. But, as Daily Intel looked further into Cain's words, a bizarre realization emerged: Not only is there apparently no poem that includes these inspiring lines, but the words, strung together in exactly the same way, appear to come directly from Donna Summer's song, "The Power of One."

According to Mediaite, this tune, which undisputedly includes these words, was used in the film, Pokémon: the Movie 2000. You can listen to the lyrics yourself:

As Mediaite quips, "It gets even weirder." Daily Intel continues:

...it was hardly the first time Herman Cain had quoted, and incorrectly sourced, the lyrics from "The Power of One." On a seemingly official website, Cain quotes the lyrics but attributes them to "the closing song to the 2000 Olympics." He made the same mistake in his official campaign announcement on May 21.

Here is video footage of that campaign announcement:

And if you don't believe us, go ahead and watch each of the candidates -- including Cain -- make their closing statements:

Of course, it could be possible that someone in the campaign heard the quote and decided to pass it on to Cain (clearly not thinking through the ramifications). Or, maybe Cain heard it, liked it and and couldn't remember the original source.

Considering that he was addressing the American people (who, coincidentally, love consuming media), it's hard to imagine that he would have used it had he known where it actually came from. Alas, it remains a mystery.

(h/t Mediaite)

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."