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Coming Apart at the Seams? At Netroots Convention Lib Activists 'Break Up' With Obama

Coming Apart at the Seams? At Netroots Convention Lib Activists 'Break Up' With Obama

"We're angry, and we know he's courting our vote right now."

Maybe they're just not that into him...anymore?

The tone during some sessions at this year's Netroots Nation conference (the annual gathering of American liberals and their enthusiasts) isn't too positive when it comes to President Barack Obama. It seems some progressives feel that the commander-in-chief hasn't lived up to past promises.

This is especially true when it comes to immigration and gay marriage. Advocates for both issues claim that the White House has done little to advance civil rights. According to The Huffington Post:

President Barack Obama is decidedly "not [the left's] boyfriend anymore," progressive supporters of gay- and immigrant-rights said on Thursday, rebuking the White House for breaking promises to the left while also asking them for money.

The message to those in the room for "What to Do When the President is Just Not that Into You," a Netroots Nation panel, was be more demanding, don't take no for an answer and compromises aren't good enough.

You can watch the entire panel discussion below:

In a separate session, you can also see White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer get "grilled" over Obama's gay marriage inconsistencies (this one's a must-see):

Advocates for both gay marriage and immigration take particular issue with Obama's attempt to court their vote in light of his weak championing of the issues they hold so dear. During the "What to Do When the President is Just Not that Into You" panel discussion, Felipe Matos, an immigration reformer who is, himself, undocumented said:

"We're angry, and we know he's courting our vote right now. He went to Puerto Rico, he went to Texas... we're onto him. [As] a friend of mine said, we are not the type of people he wants to mess around with."

While immigration and gay marriage are two of the issues liberals are most frustrated about, the subject of jobs also came up during Pfeiffer's session. Apparently, the left isn't too happy about the Obama administration's inability to heal the nation's unemployment woes. Watch for yourself:

So, it seems both the left and the right have some serious issues with the way in which the Obama administration has been conducting itself. But, of course, the reasons for holding these negative opinions are very, very different.

The Wall Street Journal tackles the uphill battle the president may face courting liberals next year:

Dissatisfaction among liberals is nothing new for the White House. Liberals have griped that the health care overhaul did not include a public option and that the economic stimulus law should have included more spending. That lack of enthusiasm for Democrats contributed to the party’s trouncing in last year’s midterm elections.

Now, some liberals are saying they won’t help re-elect Mr. Obama if policies don’t change.

Do you think the aforementioned issues will impact the left's support of Obama in 2012?

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."