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Nancy Pelosi Agrees: Obama Doesn't Need Congress' Approval

Nancy Pelosi Agrees: Obama Doesn't Need Congress' Approval

"I’m satisfied that the president has the authority he needs to go ahead..."

Yesterday, The Blaze covered the intensifying debate between the Obama administration and Congress surrounding U.S. operations in Libya. Now, following the president's controversial assessment that he does not need Congress' approval to continue the mission, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is coming to his defense. Earlier today, she told the press:

"I believe the limited nature of this limited – of this engagement -- allows the president to go forward. Now, I am reviewing the report he has, that they have sent to the Congress – the unclassified is in the public domain -- I’m going over the classified aspects of it.

But I think that part of that report shows an interaction and consultation with Congress and I’m satisfied that we can continue in the limited role that we have as part of NATO...

I’m satisfied that the president has the authority he needs to go ahead and I say that as one very protective of congressional prerogative and very supportive of consultation all along the way."

Pelosi did say, however, that if the president wanted "boots on the ground," then he would need approval. Watch her comments below:

(h/t CNSNews.com)

Do you think her opinion is one that is rooted in honesty -- or political allegiance?

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."