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WTF MSM!?  The media’s collusion delusion is collapsing

WTF MSM!? The media’s collusion delusion is collapsing

Sayonara, narrative …

One-sided … The National Review’s John Fund wrote on Sunday, “The media see only one collusion story.” Fund is absolutely right. For people like CNN’s media critic/cheerleader Brian Stelter, any suggestion that evidence exists of malfeasance by Obama administration officials is an attack on the rule of law. Fund laid out how the media has been fighting back on any collusion narrative other than Trump-Russia. Fund also acknowledged one glaring truth: After a year of being attacked as a “conspiracy theorist,” LevinTV host Mark Levin “has been vindicated.”

Praetorian Guardsman to the end … CNN”s Brian Stelter has been a loyal member of the media’s Praetorian Guard for ages, and he shows no signs of turning. In his newsletter last night, Stelter devoted the majority of his writing to fighting back against recent revelations that the Justice Department used an informant to investigate spy on the Trump campaign in 2016. The piece is clearly Stelter trying to weave a narrative.

When called out on that narrative-weaving, mainly using the phrase “far-right bloggers,” Stelter leapt into his standard defense mode. You see, HE wasn’t saying it was “far-right bloggers;” someone else did and he just quoted that phrase from someone else. That’s a bovine excrement response from Stelter and he knows it.

Stelter’s modus operandi is to weave a narrative that suits him, then when called on it, to fall back on “it wasn’t me.” It makes one wonder if Stelter’s diploma came from the Shaggy School of Journalism.

“Offensive” … Just like a schoolyard bully, when Stelter gets called out for his partisanship, he gets offended and cries. That’s exactly what he did in this exchange with Kellyanne Conway on his television program Sunday. When Conway said that Stelter said “something that a lot of people on your [Stelter’s] side of the aisle are not willing to say,” Stelter shot back, “I’m not on a side of the aisle. That’s an offensive remark.”

Sure, Brian. Your entire body of work since 2016 shows that you are clearly on a side of the aisle. You’ve been a protector of your side of the aisle interests. You call people conspiracy theorists when they put together information that the media has dribbled out piecemeal. Then, when you are proven to be wrong, you can’t man up and say that you’re wrong. You double, triple, and even quadruple down on it.

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Seeking the truth …

Great resources … As a reader of the WTF MSM!? Newsletter, you are familiar with a lot of the people who have been digging for the truth about what really happened between the FBI and the Trump campaign in 2016. There are some names I’ve not written about, though. Julie Kelly, writing at American Greatness, has a great rundown of the people who have been unafraid to search for the truth, even when the mainstream media wouldn’t. Take a look at Kelly’s two-part series. When the history is finally written of the past two years, it is going to be people like Andrew McCarthy, Mollie Hemingway, Sean Davis, and Chuck Ross who look good. Not to mention some that Kelly didn’t write about, like CRTV’s Mark Levin, Jordan Schachtel, and Dan Bongino.

The mainstream media will end up on the wrong side of history.

Headlines … Here’s a roundup of recent headlines regarding the collusion delusion.

Summertime …

I think it’s been warm enough over the past few weeks to safely say “thank goodness the winter is over.” I say that because the last time I made the declaration, my editor glared at me from her northern snow-covered bunker.

While the actual start of summer for us here in the northern hemisphere isn’t until the third week of June, the unofficial start to summer is coming up this weekend. I hope you have some great plans and will be making some great memories.

Thanks again for reading. Email me at reno@conservativereview.com with any comments or suggestions. And as always, invite your friends to the party by using the forward and subscribe links below.

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Rob Eno

Rob Eno

Rob Eno is a conservative writer, researcher, and marketer from Massachusetts who now resides in the freedom of Texas. He is currently the director of content marketing for Blaze Media.