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Turkish Islamic leader inaugurates largest mosque complex in US

Turkish Islamic leader inaugurates largest mosque complex in US

***Update: Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood was present at Saturday’s event with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan inaugurating the Lanham mega-Mosque.  The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and finance organization for Hamas, has posted a picture of their executive director, Nihad Awad with Erdogan. Award is a known Hamas supporter who recently criticized Ted Cruz for his support of beefed up police engagement in Muslim communities.***

Imagine FDR inviting Benito Mussolini to come to the United States in Middle of World War II to dedicate a massive Italian cultural center?  Or how about inviting the Japanese emperor to the groundbreaking of a new Shinto shrine that was bankrolled by his country?  Well, the reality of Turkey’s Islamist leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking at the opening of a massive Islamic center that he funded in a small Maryland town – while we are at war with Islamic fascism – dwarfs these historical hypotheticals in terms of absurdity and outrage.

In May 2013, Erdogan visited the site of the future Mosque in Lanham, Maryland along with Obama administration officials.  After $110 million from the Turkish government, this massive Islamic center is now open and is the largest Islamic facility in the United States.  The Turkish Islamic-fascist leader spoke there on Saturday to inaugurate the behemoth complex.  During the feisty speech, Erdogan lectured Americans about tolerance towards Muslims, yet failed to acknowledge how he shuts down churches in his home country and fuels anti-Semitism.

While I haven’t seen any information on those who attended this ceremony, the head of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) was present at the 2013 groundbreaking.  ICNA is an Islamic supremacist group that follows the teachings of Maulana Mawdudi and the Jamaat Al-Islami of Pakistan.  Maulana has said that Jews will be exterminated in the end of days.  The mother of Syed Farook, who lived with her son for months while he was making bombs in San Bernardino, was a member of ICNA.  Syed’s wife, Tafsheen Malik, was radicalized in Pakistan by the network of Sharia-schools that followed those teachings as well.

Also in attendance in 2013 was Imam Mohamed Magid, the former head of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).  ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot that was designated as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Even though Magid’s father is the Grand Mufti of Sudan responsible for the Christian genocide, he was appointed by Obama in 2011 to serve on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.  No, you aren’t missing anything.  There are Islamists who have been designated as Hamas agents that are given advisory positions in DHS, FBI, and the National Security Council.

Indeed, the Turkey/Muslim Brotherhood axis has come full circle right outside of our nation’s capital in a residential neighborhood.

Ever since the 9/11 attacks, and particularly over the past year, our political leaders have been pulling their hair out and wringing their hands in pursuit of a solution to combating Islamic terror.  We’ve spent 15 years refereeing Islamic civil wars overseas at a great fiscal and human cost to our nation.  Yet, at the same time we have brought the enemy to our shores through suicidal immigration policies and have allowed the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic foreign governments to represent the entire Muslim community in America.  We are at war with Islamic extremism, yet our political leaders have openly invited the Islamic extremists to come here and radicalize American Muslims.

Erdogan has been playing a double game of supporting ISIS for the past few years.  And of course, he is one of the biggest supporters of Hamas in the Middle East.  Then again, the Muslim Brotherhood is Hamas, yet they are in our government and control most of the mosques in this country.

Harking back to our original historical hypothetical analogy of allowing Mussolini or the Japanese emperor to inaugurate a cultural center during World War II, the reality we face today is much worse.  For the most part, Japanese-Americans and Italian Americans were completely assimilated and patriotic at the time.  What was going on in Japan and Italy had nothing to do with an entrenched religious ideology that spanned the globe and united all Japanese and Italians across the world to commit genocide or at least subvert their host countries.  That is not the case today with Sharia-adherent Muslims living in the West and radicalized by terror groups and foreign entities with which we are at war.

That we would allow the Erdogan regime—which has become the Islamist leader of the Sunni jihad world the same way Iran leads the Shia Jihad—to fund and control a $110 million Islamic center right near our capitol while we are at war with this very ideology and these very individual Islamic extremists not only defies logic, it defies the innate desire for self-preservation.

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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