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Pelosi’s Untouchables

Pelosi’s Untouchables

Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., are becoming examples of a new super-class of human being, riding roughshod over all their peers, proudly displaying their ignorance of, and hatred toward, all things American. They are Pelosi’s Untouchables.

Deriding the traditional patriotism and conservatism of the American people, the socialist club in Congress spews kook theology, far-left ideology, and outrageous cultural Marxism. They are the tip of the sword that will skewer this nation and engulf us all into a prolonged civil war based on race and religion. And Pelosi is allowing all of it.

Our Judeo-Christian roots of Western civilization are under attack every time these women open their mouths and spew their poison. It used to be that we were outraged every time Pelosi misquoted the Bible or used Jesus as a reason to steal money from some and give it to others. In fact, only ten years ago, we were all made aware of the Left’s intent to increase government and “fundamentally transform” the United States of America.

But now, up is down. Wrong is right. Our differences are thrown up by these Untouchables as reasons for personal privilege, and the entire Democrat Party’s kookiest ideas are considered mainstream by the sycophantic, loathsome press. They are hell-bent on destroying our entire system, our values, and our common interests. Their supremacist views will destroy Western civilization.

Pelosi pretends not to hear some things, then, responding only to massive pressure, pretends to be authoritative and suggest sham apologies. But she allows these Untouchables to foment hatred and introduce wild points of view that stand as complete opposites to what have been our policies as a nation forever. Fundamental transformation, right on schedule.

I don’t know any other way to put it. It feels good to say America will never be a socialist country. It feels good to say we’re making American great again. But watching Pelosi applaud a group of anti-Semites and radical communists who are “leaning in” on their very loud hatred of America the way we knew it means we are falling, and very fast.

Just like a seventh-grade teacher who will not stand up to a few thugs in her classroom, there will be chaos. Pelosi is fooling herself if she thinks the fact that she’s a woman is enough. These women, whose privilege derives from the color of their skin and the hatred in their hearts, will take over and impose chaos.

Their upside-down views on America are heralded. We hear of nothing else. Their views are not compatible with an America that can be great. Their views are not compatible with an America that can be proud. Their views and the chips on their shoulders are not compatible with a free and color-blind society that allows for diversity of opinion, love, and peace.

Pelosi said she’s not in the censorship business, so she won’t condemn the fakestinian Tlaib. She won’t remove the malicious anti-Semite Islamist Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and the favored communist Ocasio-Cortez is a hot mess but determined. While she continues to allow these Untouchables to perform their hate-show, we will be at war in the streets in no time.

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