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Horowitz: Washington woman posts gut-wrenching video: State will consider releasing the man who murdered her mother

Horowitz: Washington woman posts gut-wrenching video: State will consider releasing the man who murdered her mother

What’s worse than the coronavirus? Nearly every state, with crime already rising, releasing some of the most violent criminals under the guise of protecting against the virus. This will spawn a crime wave for years to come – long after the virus is gone. Contrary to the statements from the politicians and liberal judges that this is only about “low-level, nonviolent” offenders, the de-incarceration movement is using the crisis to push release for even the most fiendish criminals imaginable.

Meet Isaac Zamora, 28, the face of “criminal justice reform” and coronavirus jailbreak. It is people like him who consume the time, energy, and sympathies of liberals in both political parties and their well-connected and wealthy benefactors. He was convicted of murdering six people in Skagit County nearly 12 years ago, including a sheriff’s deputy. One of the victims was Julie Binschus, who was shot five times, including a fatal shot to the neck, which decapitated her. Her husband, Fred, was shot in the hip and back, but survived.

Zamora was sentenced to life in prison, but here is reason #1,000 why murderers like this should get the death penalty within a year. A pro-criminal agitation group, Columbia Legal Services, has filed a lawsuit demanding that the court appoint a special master to considering releasing up to 12,000 criminals deemed at risk, regardless of their criminal history.  Governor Jay Inslee has already issued the indiscriminate release of 1,100 criminals.

“We’re not talking about low-level druggies and low-level property crimes,” Skagit County chief deputy criminal prosecutor Rosemary Kaholokula told the Skagit Valley Herald Tuesday. “We’re talking about really bad people.”

The immoral jailbreak lawyers are trying to say that somehow Zamora is more vulnerable to COVID-19 because they believe he is mentally ill. The abuse of the insanity defense is something Reagan warned about endlessly in the 1980s, and it has only gotten worse since then. Earlier this week, a liberal judge in New York ruled that Grafton Thomas, the suspect in the Hanukkah machete attack in Monsey, New York, that left one rabbi dead, is unfit to stand for trial.

In Zamora’s case, Julie Binschus’ daughter, Tonya Fenton of Sedro-Woolley, posted a gut-wrenching video on her Facebook page full of raw emotion and despair that speaks for thousands of forgotten victims in this country who have no voice in public policy.

“We’ve been hurting for 12 years, and now this come up again and make us relive it again, that’s already too much and if he gets out, he will do it again,” said Fenton in a local news interview.

She noted how her surviving father still lives in this same location and that Zamora promised to “finish the job” if he ever gets loose.

Fenton has filed a victim impact statement with the state supreme court, which is hearing the lawsuit from Columbia Legal Services today.

Consider how Americans are having every aspect of their foundational rights violated without due process and access to the courts. Yet violent criminals now have the most powerful masters of the universe advocating and suing on their behalf to be released after they have been convicted with full due process.

It’s truly astounding how allegedly conservative politicians like Rep. Doug Collins, who is running for Senate in Georgia, tweeted this week about “Second Chance Month,” distorting Bible verses on behalf of criminals. In fact, built into our insanely lenient system are a lot more than two chances. We have an under-charging, under-conviction, and under-sentencing crisis in this country. One Florida man, who was released under coronavirus jailbreak and is now accused of committing murder a day later, had 35 prior arrests. One California criminal released was arrested for carjacking just 37 minutes later!

In the case of Zamora, he was set free in December 2007 after serving no time for drug charges, just nine months before the murder, despite having a prior conviction for theft. As Reagan rightfully warned, most of the drug offenders are the ones doing the other violent crime as well.

Liberal jailbreakers never consider victims. "Every day I see the scars and I feel the bone fragments and bullet fragments within my body," wrote Fred Binschus, who was shot twice by Zamora. "I'm haunted by the gun shots and screams of my wife being murdered and me laying there dying from the gun shots and feeling helpless, not being able to help her."

It's truly sad that people like Collins declined to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Week, which is this week, a tradition started by President Reagan. They never listen to the other side, which doesn’t have Soros-funded legal groups, tech companies, and Hollywood celebrities acting on victims’ behalf.

Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis was one of the few exceptions.

States like California are already using coronavirus as an excuse to commute the sentences of 14 murderers, including child murderers, while many other states were doing this even beforehand.

At some point, the people need to rise up against this immoral, one-sided movement in our body politic. This is especially poignant now that peaceful citizens are being treated like criminals at the very same time the sentences are being commuted of more real criminals than at any point in history.

As President Reagan said on April 8, 1981, when he created National Crime Victims’ Week: “Rarely do we give victims the help they need or the attention they deserve. Yet the protection of our citizens — to guard them from becoming victims — is the primary purpose of our penal laws. Thus, each new victim personally represents an instance in which our system has failed to prevent crime. Lack of concern for victims compounds that failure.”

Our governments have been a miserable failure from head to toe.

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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