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CNN contributor calls for Israel’s extermination, endorses violence against Jewish state [Video]

CNN contributor calls for Israel’s extermination, endorses violence against Jewish state [Video]

CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill spoke today at the U.N.’s “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” an annual anti-Israel hatefest that props up Palestinian terrorists and is rife with calls for Israel’s extermination.

In his speech before the United Nations in New York City, the CNN personality explicitly endorsed violent Palestinian actions against Israel.

“Hill said the international community must allow the Palestinian Arabs to use any methods necessary to resist Israel, implying that violence against Israel is legitimate,” Israel National News reports.

Hill not only endorsed violence against Israel, he also called for its destruction.

“Justice requires ... a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” Hill said, endorsing an annihilationist slogan meant to convey that a State of Palestine should take the place of the current nation of Israel.

Human rights activist Anne Bayefsky, who has long acted as a U.N. watchdog, highlighted other aspects of Hill’s hateful speech.

Others pointed out Hill’s several lies and toxic rhetoric about the state of Israel.

The Temple University professor is old friends with anti-Semitic hate preacher Louis Farrakhan. Hill distanced himself from Farrakhan after photos surfaced of the two of them smiling together. Hill later defended his association with Farrakhan in a series of tweets.

Editor's note: This article has been updated with video of Marc Lamont Hill.


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