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Why your health is taking a back seat to government and Big Pharma’s profits
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Why your health is taking a back seat to government and Big Pharma’s profits

The bureaucratic state has long overstepped its constitutional scope and has instead cozied up to corporations, reaping the rewards while Americans grow sicker.

As we head into yet another “most important election of our lifetime,” it’s worth asking what this election truly stands for. Is it about the border, the economy, or law and order? Maybe for some. But at its core, this election isn’t just about policy; it’s about the very soul of our country, what America was intended to be from the beginning. We have a unique opportunity, much like our founders, to correct course and protect our freedoms. But to do so, we must confront a growing menace that threatens the well-being of every citizen: the unholy alliance between the federal government and corporate interests.

On February 14, 1776, Thomas Paine wrote, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” We have the same exact opportunity on November 5. This time, we are not freeing men from the clutches of tyrannical rule through an overbearing monarchy. We can be the global standard-bearers for freedom from the iron grip of the bureaucratic deep state.

Big Pharma and the bureaucratic state have no incentive to stop the rot because, simply put, too much money is at stake.

The purpose of every modern Western government is to “keep us safe.” The United States is different. We have the following clause attached: “Keep us safe … but mind your own business.” This is advanced citizenship. While the government may try to weaponize under the guise of “keeping us safe,” it may not interfere with how we run our families, how we conduct our business, what church we go to, what we say, and how we choose to arm ourselves.

Instead, the government’s role is restricted to things like keeping our borders safe, preventing adversaries from hurting us, keeping trade flowing, minimizing regulations, and ensuring justice for all. Anything beyond that is overreach.

But what happens when the government, weaponized through its bureaucratic tentacles, does the opposite of keeping us safe? What if it’s getting rich from our misery?

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed this relationship in a way many of us had never seen before. Government agencies like the National Institutes of Health were not only working hand in hand with Big Pharma but were also financially invested in the success of mRNA vaccines. Contracts between the NIH and Moderna dating as far back as 2015 show that government bureaucrats were preparing to profit from an mRNA coronavirus vaccine long before COVID-19 emerged. A contract signed by the NIH and Moderna in December 2019, just months before COVID-19 sparked a global vaccine demand, explicitly says that “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates [are] developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna.”

The mRNA vaccine was poised to be a financial windfall for both the government and the pharmaceutical industry, and that’s exactly what happened only months later.

The bureaucratic state has long overstepped its constitutional scope and has instead cozied up to corporations, reaping the rewards while Americans grow sicker. Just look at the numbers: 129 million Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease, and this trend has been worsening over the past two decades. Almost half of the U.S. population is living with two or more chronic conditions, and 12% of Americans suffer from at least five. Life expectancy in the United States has fallen to its lowest point in nearly 20 years. Autism rates surged from 1 in 150 children in 2000 to 1 in 54 by 2016. ADHD diagnoses are skyrocketing, and a staggering 40% of school-age children have at least one chronic health condition.

This isn’t just a health care crisis — it’s a national emergency. Why is it happening? Because our suffering is profitable. Nearly 90% of the $4.1 trillion spent annually on health care in America goes toward managing and treating chronic diseases. Big Pharma and the bureaucratic state have no incentive to stop the rot because, simply put, too much money is at stake.

When you head to the polls in the coming weeks, remember that this election is about more than just lower taxes and border security. It’s about stopping the government from profiting from our pain. It’s about reclaiming the soul of America and putting the health of its people before the profits of the elite.

We cannot allow this dangerous relationship between the government and corporations to continue unchecked. If we don’t act now, our children and their children will inherit a country where profits are more important than people. On November 5, we have the power to “begin the world over again” by unleashing ourselves from the bureaucratic state’s grasp. It’s up to us at the ballot box.

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Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck is the host of “The Glenn Beck Program” and co-founder of Blaze Media.
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