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What’s the matter with Texas Republicans?
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What’s the matter with Texas Republicans?

When our “representatives” aren’t defeating important bills or passing dangerous ones, they’re wasting taxpayer time and money on meaningless initiatives that aid Democrats.

Texas is known as a strong conservative state, often viewed as a beacon of liberty in the storm of destructive and radical leftist activism ruining our nation. But that reputation is changing, and unfortunately, it’s our own Republican representatives who are leading the effort to undermine conservative values and interests in our great state.

While the ridiculous effort last year to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton is one of the most egregious cases, it’s certainly not the only example of elected Republicans failing to represent their conservative constituents. These bad-faith establishment actors frequently throw in with Democrats on policies that directly contradict conservative priorities, often facing no accountability for letting down their constituents. That needs to change.

The Paxton impeachment effort wasn’t the only vote to expose how little our representatives care to advance conservative values and priorities.

What happened to Paxton should terrify every conservative in America. Perhaps the hardest-working and most effective Republican attorney general in the country, Paxton has taken up the fight to protect conservative values and priorities in Texas, protecting us from an authoritarian federal government and advancing freedom. Texans appreciate that about him. That’s why 4.2 million of us re-elected him to keep fighting for us.

Then, Republicans in the Texas House thought they could undermine the will of voters and impeach him with no evidence or testimony under oath, likely because his hard work and tenacity threatened their power and agendas. They wasted time and millions of taxpayer dollars on an effort that directly contradicted the values and priorities of their constituents and the good of the state. Yet they call themselves our “representatives.”

While Democrats aren't technically in charge, they have enough corrupt and self-serving allies among establishment Republicans that their agendas advance anyway. The Paxton impeachment effort wasn’t the only vote to expose how little our representatives care to advance conservative values and priorities.

Another pivotal vote by disingenuous Republicans was to install Dade Phelan as speaker of the Texas House. This vote not only supported corrupt establishmentarianism and cronyism within our legislature but also paved the way for him to appoint Democrats as committee chairs and to key leadership positions, undermining conservative principles and placing individuals who represent the antithesis of those values in positions of influence. Real representatives wouldn’t support someone who elevates the people who hate us, our state, and our nation.

This has paved the way for corrupt and activist politicians to undermine bills and initiatives that are in the best interest of Texans and conservative values. Several important bills find themselves dead in the water as establishment Republicans join with activist Democrats to support agendas like the radical transgender and LGBTQ movement that actively targets our children. We don’t celebrate or facilitate anorexia or schizophrenia, so why are our “representatives” playing along with gender dysphoria?

Several Republican lawmakers voted to underwrite transgender social transitioning by allowing funding for hospitals that mutilate children. Worse, they killed a bill that would have at least required insurance companies to cover de-transition costs after the person had been mutilated for a radical activist agenda. Both of these votes occurred in a Republican-controlled House, directly contrary to conservative values and the best interest of vulnerable children.

When our “representatives” aren’t defeating important bills or passing dangerous ones, they’re wasting taxpayer time and money on meaningless initiatives to virtue-signal to their constituents and prevent us from noticing whose interests they really serve.

Instead of taking real steps to stop the devastating illegal immigration crisis, our lawmakers squabble over insignificant laws to classify the assault charges for mass shooters or up the felony degree for possessing a firearm as a felon or even facilitate the creation of illegal immigrant housing developments that line the pockets of their friends and families. These are not policies that will help the lives of hardworking Texans, but it’s apparently the best our “representatives” can do.

The erosion of conservative values in Texas should be a wake-up call for the entire nation, but especially for Texas voters. Decent, hardworking citizens deserve better than politicians grabbing for power and pushing radical agendas while pretending to work for the people who trust them to safeguard their freedoms and the American way of life.

The nation is watching to see if Texans will rise to the occasion and demand accountability for the many failures of our “representatives” while reaffirming the principles that have long defined our great state and shaped our nation into the greatest, freest, and most prosperous in the world. Remember, it’s a republic if we can keep it.

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Tim Greeson

Tim Greeson

Tim Greeson is a Republican running for the Texas House of Representatives in District 85.