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Republicans must target the budget’s six 'evil I’s'
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Republicans must target the budget’s six 'evil I’s'

The House GOP has all the leverage it needs to the stop the border invasion, rein in inflation, clamp down on political inquisitions, defund deadly injections, end transgender indoctrination, and halt the Islamization of the government.

If Republicans can’t win a budget fight over a possible government shutdown against a man deemed too senile to face prosecution, then they deserve to go the way of the Whigs.

Amid the political imbroglio surrounding the political fates of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, we seem to forget that congressional Republicans have a chance to focus national attention on winning issues vital to saving our civilization. With government funding slated to expire on March 1 and March 8, now is the time for Republicans to make the case against invasion, inflation, inquisition, injections, indoctrination, and Islamization — the six “evil I’s.”

Republicans win when the focus is on issues, but they lose when the focus is on personalities.

Democrats are at a massive disadvantage. Their policies are unpopular, and their party’s leader and public face is mentally infirm. Republicans will never get more leverage in a budget fight than they have right now.

The fact is that even if Republicans win a smashing victory in November, conservatives won’t come close to 60 votes in the Senate. Stymied by RINOs, they would still lack the votes necessary to pass worthy, transformational legislation — except for once a year, through the budget reconciliation process.

Under the circumstances, a budget showdown with the threat of a government shutdown is inevitable. But the threat needs to be credible. If Republicans aren’t willing to at least telegraph to the Democrats that they are willing to shoot the hostage, they certainly won’t do so when they have control of all three branches and they’re on the hook for governing. That’s why Republicans never risked a shutdown when they had control of all branches of government (until after they lost the 2018 midterms).

The time is right for a real budget fight, as Biden is laid bare as a man who belongs in a senior care facility and not the Oval Office. With that in mind, here are the demands Republicans should place in their budget under the umbrella of combatting the six “evil I’s.”


Most Americans now believe immigration is the nation’s No. 1 problem, according to a new Gallup poll. Stopping Biden’s border invasion therefore should be the Republicans’ top priority.

Every day from now until March 1, Republican leaders should make it clear they will only pass a budget that includes HR 2, which would end “catch and release” and defund the nongovernmental organizations and nonprofits facilitating the invasion.

The GOP must not squander this opportunity. They need to fight as long as it takes to harness national attention and beat the Democrats into submission.


The basic American standard of living has now become a luxury for millions of people. Republicans should use the budget to defund Biden’s Orwellian “Inflation Reduction Act,” which has only fueled the problem it was ostensibly intended to solve. In reality, the 2022 law is just the Green New Deal in disguise. Not surprisingly, the Congressional Budget Office just raised its estimate of that legislation’s cost by $466 billion.

Surging energy prices account for much of that increase. Given the manifest failures of the Democrats’ green energy policies, Republicans have a rare opportunity to stand on the side of consumers against the green grift. The electric vehicle market is crashing and causing a massive increase in car insurance at a time when car inflation is already sky-high. Now is the time to pull the plug.


Republicans will never get a better opportunity to defund the inquisition against the regime’s political opponents.

Special counsel Robert Hur’s report earlier this month exposed our two-tiered justice system in the most dramatic fashion imaginable. Hur concluded that Joe Biden should not be prosecuted for unlawfully holding classified documents he took as a U.S. senator and later as vice president because he is mentally unfit to stand trial. Republicans should use that as an opportunity to defund the politically motivated prosecutions of Trump as well as nonviolent January 6 defendants.

The budget should also include language from HR 5577 by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), which would defund prosecutions under the FACE Act that have resulted in the imprisonment of people who have merely sung hymns outside abortion clinics.

Finally, this portion of the bill should also include the House Judiciary Committee’s reform of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which the FBI has abused to conduct warrantless searches of American citizens’ communications.


After three years, we have a wealth of studies, data, lived experience, and documents from the FDA and Pfizer showing that the COVID injections potentially damage every organ system in the human body.

We now know that the mRNA spreads to the placenta and mother’s milk and that it’s contaminated with DNA plasmids. A recent study of 99 million people revealed massive safety signals for neurological damage, blood and heart disorders, myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. The time has come to defund all mRNA vaccines to ensure they are taken off the market.


After every major mass shooting, Democrats are prepared to promote gun control. Yet with an apparently growing trend of mass shootings committed by transgender individuals, Republicans are not demanding action on government programs to groom of an entire generation of children into hormone-induced violence and mental illness. According to the CDC, one in four high schoolers identity as a sexual behavior that will not result in procreation.

That is not natural. It’s a contagion of indoctrination.

To that end, Republicans must bar funding for any Department of Health and Human Services program promoting “gender-affirming care”; any education program teaching “gender studies”; and any indulgence of the sexual ideology both in domestic and foreign policy agencies.

Moreover, Republicans need to defund the recent Title IX mandate that states accommodate gender dysphoria in public school bathrooms.


It is no exaggeration to say the Biden administration has become a vassal of Iran and a promoter of Hamas. Right now, Republicans disagree about whether or how to aid Israel when America itself is trillions of dollars in debt.

But Republicans can do a lot more for Israel without spending a dime by simply defunding Biden’s war against the Jewish state. Recently, Biden placed sanctions on residents of Judea and Samaria, while offering visa incentives for Gaza residents. Meanwhile, the State Department may force a “two-state solution” down Israel’s throat. The GOP budget bill should defund all aid to the Palestinians and Lebanon, which is a puppet of Iran. The bill should also prohibit sanctions on Israeli citizens and defund all diplomatic missions that promote an Arab Palestinian state.

Headed into this week’s deadline, Republicans have even greater leverage thanks to a quirk from last year’s debt ceiling deal.

The only good provision, thanks to the efforts of Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), is an automatic trigger that if Congress fails to enact a new full-year budget by April 30, all the agencies would face an across-the-board 1% cut, which would hit non-defense agencies hardest. This gives House Republicans cover they need to pass a continuing resolution for the remainder of the year, triggering the automatic cuts, along with the aforementioned “defund” riders. They can use the pain of the spending cuts as leverage to negotiate the policy riders.

Republicans consistently poll well on the issues even as they stumble at the ballot box. The reason is the GOP has shown no seriousness in so much as communicating a plan to reverse Biden’s ruinous policies.

There is no more time to waste. Republicans win when the focus is on issues, but they lose when the focus is on personalities. Stopping the border invasion, reining in inflation, clamping down on political inquisitions, defunding deadly injections, ending transgender indoctrination, and halting the Islamization of the government are winning issues. A serious fight on just one of those issues would be worth it. Let’s go.

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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