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Pride Month evangelists defy nature’s design
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Pride Month evangelists defy nature’s design

For all their adherence to evolution, progressives fail to see how their ideology leads to extinction. The good news is this rebellion against God’s purpose for humanity will not last forever.

In recent years, June has been transformed from the start of summer to a 30-day quasi-religious celebration of all things related to LGBTQIA+ “pride.” The same people who spent the last few weeks chastising an NFL kicker for praising his wife in a commencement speech have no problem forcing the entire country to celebrate kids who want to cut off their genitals.

Corporate logos, school districts, government agencies, professional sports leagues, and media outlets all change their logos and post materials signaling their allegiance to the “virtue” of pride. The critics of homemaking have no issue with sexual evangelicalism.

Self-worship is a dead-end religion. No amount of slick wordplay can change the fact that man is not God.

June is also the month when the left’s most important sacrament was dealt a major blow. The Supreme Court decision thatoverturned Roe v. Wade was handed down on June 24, 2022. For pro-life groups, it was a cause for celebration. But for the party of child sacrifice, the decision led to a perverse performance of biblical sorrow, complete with torn garments as well as weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

One of the lessons that every American, particularly Christians, should have learned in the last decade is that human beings are religious by nature. We can’t help but worship someone or something. The secularists who attack Christianity as a regressive and hateful religion are far more aggressive with their evangelical outreach than the average churchgoer.

The recent story out of Florida about a manhunt for a driver who profaned a sacred symbol of the left is one example. Surveillance video shows someone doing donuts on a large Pride flag mural painted on the street. This apparently was taken as a sign of disrespect to the favorite religion of the regime. A local group of leaders, including members of the clergy, gathered to declare it an act of hate. Somehow, I doubt they would be nearly as protective or defensive if someone tore down an American flag and set it on fire.

John Adams, one of the nation’s founding fathers, famously remarked, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Politicians and pundits never seem to ask what you get when a nation is made up of immoral and religious people. Or put a different way, what do you get when a nation’s religion is one that demands child sacrifice and rejects the generational mandate to propagate the species?

The answer is simple: death culture. Anti-natalism and pro-gender-confusion are expected outcomes from an ideology untethered from our Creator. People who deem themselves too sophisticated to worship God inevitably engage in the worship of self. They may cloak their idolatry in the language of intellectualism, but the truth is plain to see. What makes these developments so dangerous is how quickly and thoroughly our culture has been converted. We live in an age where cultural tastemakers and corporate news breakers inform the public – with a straight face – that men can get pregnant.

But self-worship is a dead-end religion. And no amount of slick wordplay can change the fact that man is not God.

People who know nothing about automobile design marvel at the attention to detail in every aspect of a high-end vehicle. Everything from the paint job and high-end leather interior to the souped-up engine and responsive steering are a testament to the designer’s attention to detail. No one would ever suggest that such a magnificent creation came together by chance. Likewise, no one would suggest that pushing the brake pedal makes the car go faster.

But for some reason, we take this approach with human beings. You can infer function from the form of any creation, but purpose can only be established by its designer. Men and women have bodies that literally fit together like hand and glove. Sex is certainly pleasurable, but its primary purpose is for reproduction — within the bonds of marriage.

The clerics of Pride reject God’s design and insist that their definitions of man, woman, and marriage should be treated with reverence. For all their adherence to evolution, progressives fail to see how their ideology leads to extinction. The good news is that this rebellion against God’s design and purpose for humanity will not last forever. Abomination appreciation month is only 30 days. Both the Bible and the calendar offer the same hope: Pride comes before the fall.

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Delano Squires

Delano Squires


Delano Squires is a contributor for Blaze News.
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