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Joe Biden must go — now
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/Getty Images

Joe Biden must go — now

This is fundamentally about more than one incapacitated man. It is about who we are called to be as a free people, and it may even be about our nation’s very survival.

It’s nearly July 4, which means it’s “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” time. You simply should never fire up the grill and eat that hot dog until you’ve done some reflecting about the cost of your citizenship in the greatest country ever devised by man. That is undoubtedly truer than ever in 2024 as our birthright is seemingly imperiled at every turn.

For example, my email inbox and X feed is concerned that if we push too hard, per the designs of U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) introducing a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to invoke the 25th Amendment following Joe Biden’s dementia-ridden debate, it may backfire politically in the end. Pondering whether Democrats will swap out Biden for a more electable candidate isn't a conclusion from actual sober reflection, especially since the winner of the upcoming election won't be sworn in for another 205 days. Instead, it’s suicidally foolish.

Without question, the American people and their interests are in greater danger now than they were before the presidential debate.

A lot of hell could break loose over the next 205 days, especially now that the whole world saw — once and for all — the president of the United States is clearly incapacitated and therefore cannot actually be running the country. Who’s in charge, then? We don’t know. Neither do our allies and enemies. So, while this upcoming election is very important, we need to get to that election first before all we have left is a pile of smoldering ash to govern.

We simply cannot have someone who couldn't pass a corporate management competency hearing, be certified to become a foster parent, or even obtain a driver's license be the one who is in possession of the nuclear codes. Full stop.

I realize that all the signs of Biden’s mental collapse have been there during his entire term for those of us who have been paying attention or are not merely idolatrously partisan Democrats. But at least 80 million Americans watched the debate on their TVs or live online, and that doesn’t count the viral clips tens of millions more people saw later. Everyone has now seen what we have been seeing. It can no longer be ignored. This is why the same lying "media" that ran with "cheap fakes" and "right-wing conspiracies" just a week ago regarding Biden’s health is now all-in that Biden must step aside.

This has even permeated into "sports bro" subculture (as @DeaceOnline refers to it), with sports media people who rarely if ever address politics discussing the debate and its aftermath. It's as if the White House apothecary who was charged with keeping Biden lucid missed and hit us instead. We are awake, but for how long will the memes, trolls, and commentary that political junkies like us are regularly mired in also remain in the consciousness of the general public?

I believe the public has been awakened to the point that the Biden 2024 campaign is now finished. The only question is whether Biden is shunted aside at the Democratic National Convention in August or on Election Day in November. But a lot of bad can happen between now and then. It’s not enough to make this merely about an election outcome because there is still a country to run right now, and that is what Americans must not take for granted. Not today. Not ever.

But that’s exactly what they have been for a while now, which has as much to do as anything with why our nation is in such a sorry state on so many fronts. We are no longer citizens in any true sense. We are waaaaaaay too comfortable and simply don’t want to be bothered with the responsibility of “We the People.”

I believe many Americans resent — yes, resent — having to be involved in politics at all. They would rather have an expert class of bureaucrats permanently take the wheel so they can get on with whatever makes them comfortably numb. For such is the person who is fine with Biden remaining in power until January 2025 as he struggles to string sentences together and walk downstairs. Not only is that unacceptable, but it is simply un-American.

“A Republic, if you can keep it,” Ben Franklin said. Well, can you?

Our enemies are watching. They know they are on borrowed time as well. Donald Trump keeps saying that if he were president, Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine and points out Putin only went on the war path under Obama and then Biden, not him. So, if the guy who drops MOABs and signs the Abraham Accords is set to return, the tyrants of the world know that now is the time to strike with mischief and malevolence while the moment is still available.

Without question, the American people and their interests are in greater danger now than they were before the presidential debate. We can all celebrate an event 205 days away right now until one morning we wake up and Pyongyang has gone October 7 against Seoul during one of the many days in between. And then stuff will get real, and fast. The kind of stuff that will make you wonder if you will even have another election to look forward to.

We must put the country first, and what better time to do that than July 4. Yes, it is a hard pill to swallow, but it is an act of patriotic duty to remove Joe Biden from office right now. Because this is fundamentally about far more than one incapacitated man. It is about who we are called to be as a free people, and it may even be about our very survival.

There is no time to waste.

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Steve Deace

Steve Deace

BlazeTV Host

Steve Deace is the host of the “Steve Deace Show” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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