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Iowa senator takes action as VA replaces American flag with Pride flag
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Iowa senator takes action as VA replaces American flag with Pride flag

Adrian Dickey has been waging a one-man war to ensure the stars-and-stripes fly in front of the Des Moines VA hospital during Pride Month. The hospital responded by digging up the flagpole. So, he brought his own.

Before you continue reading, I would like you to empty your pockets of the excuses you regularly rely on for sitting on the sidelines instead of acting. Put them on the table and let them out of the shadows where truth and courage often go to die. Then ask yourself how they hold up to the example of a state senator from southeast Iowa.

That would be Adrian Dickey, who has made the two-hour drive to Des Moines on a handful of occasions this month — “Pride Month” — to raise the American flag over the entrance of the veteran’s hospital. It’s a pilgrimage he began last June when it was brought to his attention that instead of the stars and stripes, the satanic abomination known as the Pride flag was being raised despite complaints from veterans.

The simps who run the VA, even in a homespun red state like Iowa, know who their true master is. And they will obey accordingly.

Dickey would drive, often in the middle of the night or early morning hours, to raise the American flag and then turn around and go the two hours home only to be told it was taken back down. So, he did it again. And again. Until finally last year, the officials at the VA waved the white flag and kept both flags on the pole.

That was then. This year — and hold on tight now to your Beelzebub hat to find out just how deep the Romans 1 mind rot of the federal government currently goes — the staff at the Des Moines veteran’s hospital removed the flagpole itself to head Dickey off at the pass. He called the VA to find out what was going on after showing up with a flag on June 1, and they told him they “thought it would be easier than having to fight with me.”

Still undeterred, Dickey decided that two could play that game. So, this year he has been bringing an entire flagpole with him as his righteous road trips have continued. Again and again. Along with a plaque that says the following:

This flagpole was placed on June 6, 2024, by Senator Adrian Dickey, Packwood, for his humble appreciation of the sacrifices that the men and women made 80 years ago today as they invaded the beaches of Normandy and for EVERY soldier who has used this facility in the years since. These soldiers are who Made America GREAT!

But the new poles and the plaque have been taken down as well, until finally the VA henchmen put a cable lock through the base so that Dickey would have to relent. Instead, he just found a narrower pole that would still do the trick.

At which point VA officials, instead of simply allowing the American flag to fly during Pride Month, dug out the entire flagpole footing from the ground. You read that right. The spirit of the age takes its unholy month very, very seriously. You will be made to care.

They say the flag is flying on a different pole elsewhere on the grounds to be compliant with federal law. But as for the main entrance where the veterans who fought and bled for their country enter every day in June, it must be the Pride flag or nothing at all.

“I thought that was pretty appalling,” Dickey said. “There is just no reason for this stupidity.”

He’s correct, of course. But we are way beyond reason here, because we are as east of Eden as we can get. We are openly promoting darkness now. The simps who run the VA, even in a homespun red state like Iowa, know who their true master is. And they will obey accordingly.

Nevertheless, Dickey plans on continuing the two-hour drive to Des Moines this month to plunge a four-foot pole with a flag on it into the earth if need be. He’s spurred on by the memory of two veterans who thanked him last summer for what he was doing and how seeing the Pride flag waving over the VA hospital left them feeling “humiliated.”

Which brings us back to the beginning. How do your excuses look now, the ones you dust off when you don’t want to go to the school board meeting to fight the groomers because they might call you names and make you miss part of the game? Why don’t you feel humiliated for not doing the bare minimum required of you as a citizen before the lights get turned off permanently on this once great republic?

They can’t stop all of us, if only we follow Adrian Dickey’s lead. Pick a fight. Get in the car. Drive. Plant the flag. And remember your Churchill: “Never, ever, ever give up.”

Or else.

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Steve Deace

Steve Deace

BlazeTV Host

Steve Deace is the host of the “Steve Deace Show” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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