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If you are on the side of freedom, you can’t be a fascist
Jorm Sangsorn/Getty Images

If you are on the side of freedom, you can’t be a fascist

Who is in league with Big Business and Big Tech? Who is pushing for censorship? Who suppresses the opposition? Not the American right, that’s for sure.

"Fascist" has been the left's label of choice to silence their political opponents on the right. When people hear "fascists," they think of concentration camps — as they should. That is the way fascism usually ends. You must get rid of your political opponents.

Unless you’re in a free state, you can’t have people who disagree with you. That's the first definition of freedom: being able to speak your mind. We made sure that was the first expression of freedom protected in our Bill of Rights. Freedom is antithetical to fascism, and real fascists snuff it out through suggestion, then intimidation, then the camps.

If there is fascism in our country, it’s coming from the left.

Being called a "fascist" is a grave pronouncement indeed, one that should not be given lightly. Yet leftists use it profusely whenever they want to silence their political opponents. But let me ask you this: Who are the true fascists? Which side of the political aisle is on the side of freedom, and which is actively fighting against it?

Here's the dictionary definition of fascism: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

Let's look at the first part of the definition: a movement that "exalts nation and often race above the individual." Tell me, who is elevating race above the individual right now? I dare you to tell me with a straight face that is the right. Every single person on the left is constantly telling us that skin color is the most important thing about you, that it defines your entire life. Your skin color tells you whether you're oppressed or not or whether you're a good person or not. Yet we’re the fascists?

How about the second part of the definition? Which side of the political aisle "stands for a centralized autocratic government" with "forcible suppression of opposition"? Which party is about to lose its candidate from being on the ballot at all?

What about the part of the definition that talks about "economic regimentation"? Which party is pushing for public-private partnerships that are the actual mechanics of fascism? In this framework, businesses are allowed to be "businesses," unlike under communism. They're even allowed to be private businesses — unless you disagree with the state. If you do, then they'll intimidate you and, eventually, make it impossible for your business to operate. That’s how public-private partnerships work. Who is pushing for those?

If there is fascism in our country, it’s coming from the left. It's so obvious that it's no wonder why they need to target the right with “nationalism.” When we say we’re proud to be Americans, it’s not at the expense of the individual. In fact, it's because we defend the individual that we say we're proud to be Americans. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are all about the individual and his natural-born freedoms.

Collectivism, on the other hand, is the end goal of fascism. It is always antithetical to freedom. That means if you are on the side of freedom, you cannot be a fascist. We are not fascists. The people imposing collective salvation are coming from the left. They are the ones willing to sacrifice individual freedom for the sake of their warped vision of a collectivist dystopia. They are the true fascists. Everything they're accusing us of, they're doing.

They say we’re religious zealots who force our religion on children in schools. Yet they are the zealots who impose their woke religion on our children, and you will be excommunicated if you don't comply with the high priests. They demand that you stick to the dogma. We, on the other hand, call for school choice so that the individual parents can choose what type of education suits their children.

They say the right is in bed with big business. Really? Name the corporation that stands by the right and waves that flag. Name a business that won’t get penalized for promoting conservative values. They are the ones who are in bed with public-private partnerships, ESG, medical monopolies, Big Tech, entertainment, and every other industry.

They say we don’t care about immigrants, and yet under their policies, immigrants are being raped, trafficked, and sold as slaves by the drug cartels. All the while, cartels are profiting with billions of dollars from our open borders. And we are the ones who don't care about immigrants?

They say we don't care about the poor. Really? Is Los Angeles a good example of the left caring for the poor? Or how about San Francisco? What is happening in those cities is absolutely disgraceful.

They say we want chaos in the streets. Remember CHAZ in Seattle? How about the chaos Antifa wrought on our streets? The leftist politicians who gave these alleged "anti-fascists" a free pass were the ones who were trying to get rid of all of the police in their cities. Yet we're the ones who want chaos in the streets?

They say we don't care about national security. Yet they’re the ones who have enabled 10 million people to come across our borders. In the same breath, they have the audacity to call us “terrorists” while bankrolling Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

Here's the last one: They say we're Nazis. They compare our campaign to stop taxpayer funding of sexually explicit books in our schools to Nazi book burnings. Yet on Monday, U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) revealed the House’s subpoena of Amazon, highlighting the Biden administration's efforts to address “propaganda” and “misinformation” in books for the online retailer. For the Biden administration, letting Americans read books that aren't approved by the political narrative is unacceptable.

So who is the one that is censoring? Who’s burning the books? Who’s silencing their political opponents? Who’s pushing for collectivism? Who are the real fascists? Everything leftists are accusing you of, they really are.

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Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck is the host of “The Glenn Beck Program” and co-founder of Blaze Media.
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