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CDC issues warning about 'killer' herpes found in Florida monkey colony
Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

CDC issues warning about 'killer' herpes found in Florida monkey colony

Yep, humans can catch it

It appears there's a colony of about 200 feral rhesus macaques (monkeys) infected with the herpes B virus, known as macacine herpes virus 1 or McHV-1, living the Silver Springs State Park in Marion County, Florida, according to the Miami Herald.

Apparently, these cute monkeys, who happen to enjoy throwing their poop, can shed the virus and it puts "humans at risk for exposure to this potentially fatal pathogen."

"Transmission has typically occurred via exposure to macaque bodily fluids, including bites and scratches, although an instance of human-to-human transmission has been reported," the CDC wrote in 2018 report about the monkey virus.

These horny little guys are procreating like mad and researchers believe the colony's population could double by 2022.

I realize herpes is no laughing matter, but seriously, if you're getting close enough to them or their poop to become infected, well ... I'll stop before I end up being blasted on social media for this post.

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