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AI and the end of free will: Are we doomed to be controlled?
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AI and the end of free will: Are we doomed to be controlled?

You won’t be able to access information and think for yourself. Artificial intelligence will solve everything for you.

In five years, we will be slaves to artificial intelligence.

How do you argue with something that's considered smarter than all humans on earth? You can't. That's what we will have to contend with as AI technology progresses.

In the end, a massive solar flare may be God freeing us from our new superintelligent overseer — because what’s going to stop it? You won’t be able to stop it.

ChatGPT just came out with its latest model, GPT-4o, which OpenAI is calling, “Omni.” This technology is so advanced that you will eventually be able to talk to it. You will be able to have conversations with it. What kind of "person" will it be? You will have control over that to a degree. You will be able to adjust its voice the way you want. You can customize your new digital companion in superficial ways. But that's where your domain ends. Even those who programmed it will have little control over the way it develops. It will have its own distinct, independent intelligence.

However, if previous AI models have given us any indication of the kind of worldview that is being built into this technology, we should all be deeply concerned. Remember how Gemini spat out "diverse" renditions of our Founding Fathers? Even the Washington Post says that ChatGPT leans liberal.

Consider the ramifications of that. This superintelligence is being programmed with a left-wing bias. If it's programmed to tell you that America is racist, that Israel is evil, that socialism is good, and we should "trust the experts," how will we be able to argue against it? What happens when AI becomes the "new expert"?

If you try to say, "Guys, this is wrong." Really? Are you smarter than Gemini? Are you smarter than ChatGPT? Are you smarter than AI? No. People will lose every time when pitted against AI, and our freedom — our humanity — will pay the price.

I have been telling my audience a lot about solar flares lately after last week's aurora borealis. I am convinced that, in the end, a massive solar flare may be God freeing us from our new superintelligent overseer — because what’s going to stop it? You won’t be able to stop it.

We’re five years away from true slavery, but it won’t look like slavery to most people. You won't be able to do things. You won't be able to access information and think for yourself. AI will solve everything for you. We will quietly surrender our freedom to this new technology and those who control it — until they can't control it anymore.

This is being programmed in AI technology right now, at the worst time of lies, deceit, and distortion. All of the left-wing assumptions are being written into it as we speak. Are the conveniences it offers worth the cost?

But maybe not all is lost. We are still in AI’s early stages, and there is still time for us to alter its course. Last year, Elon Musk, along with more than 1,000 global leaders and researchers, urged for a halt on AI development until we know what we are dealing with due to the “profound risks to society and humanity.” I think they’re right. We must know what we are dealing with and ensure that humanity is always put first.

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Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck is the host of “The Glenn Beck Program” and co-founder of Blaze Media.
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