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Horowitz: The once-in-a-generation chance to shift policy rightward is being squandered
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Horowitz: The once-in-a-generation chance to shift policy rightward is being squandered

Never before have we faced more existential threats to our existence as sentient, prosperous human beings from our own political leaders. Never before has their overreach been so exposed and unpopular with the broad middle of the country. Yet never before has the opposition party been so impotent, and even perfidious, in harnessing that growing backlash against incumbent powers to steer it toward positive change.

We have a narrow opportunity to shift the Overton window rightward on numerous issues while we still can, provided that Republicans don’t get in the way and play interference for the left. Whether it’s the safety of the vaccine regime, the grift in Ukraine, the border invasion, increased crime, the transgender grooming agenda, anti-white discrimination, the debt bomb, or the green energy assault on our standard of living, enough information has come out about the truth that the majority of the public agrees with us on the issues of the day.

While articulation of the facts never hurts, what we need is not another study showing that the vaccines harm people or that green energy is neither green nor effective energy. We don’t need more data showing the scope of the border crisis or more anecdotes proving the harm of transgenderism. The critical mass of the public gets it. What we are lacking is a unified and effective political party and movement capable of identifying the policy and legal leverage points, relentlessly building support and focus for utilizing them, and then harnessing GOP control of the House and half of state governments to exercise raw power on behalf of our prerogatives. Discernible policy outcomes are all that matters, but that is what we are lacking most.

The problem we have is that although Republicans, and their defenders in conservative media, will wax poetic about the most radical manifestations of these Democrat policies, when it comes to utilizing leverage to actually stop them, they are at best indifferent and often on the wrong side of the issue.

For example, aside from a handful of Republicans like Senator Ron Johnson, Gov. Ron DeSantis, and a few House members, most elected Republicans still think the vaccines are safe and effective. Thus, they will not do what it takes in the budget bill at the federal level or in the states to stop them. Almost all efforts to defeat the biomedical security state in red legislatures failed this year.

Although all Republicans claim to support more production of fossil fuels, most of them also buy in to some level of the global warming agenda. Thus, red-state governors are embracing electric vehicles, carbon capture, wind, and solar that is helping to “transition” us away from effective energy. We even have South Dakota Republicans greenlighting a carbon capture company to utilize eminent domain to steal land for a carbon capture pipeline, promoted by the Biden administration.

Most Republicans will go on Fox News and blast Biden for his handling of the border, but they still don’t fundamentally oppose illegal immigration and refuse to cross the Chamber of Commerce. As such, they are not pursuing the interior enforcement policies that are necessary to demagnetize our border, regardless of Biden’s policies. This, despite 73% disapproving of Biden’s border policies.

Republicans will easily take potshots at Democrats on crime, but most of them continue to work with Koch-funded groups to promote “criminal justice reform.” At best they will give lip service to “back the blue,” but for the most part they have avoided pushing bills tightening sentencing for violent criminals, after so many red-state legislatures promoted weak-on-crime laws for about a decade.

Republicans claim to be concerned with the weaponization of the DOJ, but have not taken any of the steps at the federal level through budget and legislation or at the state level to interpose against federal tyranny.

Almost all Republicans claim to support meritocracy and oppose affirmative action, but will zealously pursue any opportunity for racial pandering, such as their obsessive celebration of “Juneteenth,” and are too scared to root out government policies and programs tendentious toward what they refer to as “racial minorities.”

There’s not a single Republican who doesn’t inveigh against the debt, yet almost all of them will blow out the debt on every bill that actually matters and will become law. Red-state governments will never turn down an opportunity to feed at the federal trough and will even hold back from fighting federal policies (e.g. COVID mandates and transsexual bathrooms in schools) out of fear of losing their lifeline.

On Ukraine, no matter how much money Biden sends to Ukraine without an understanding of what we are trying to accomplish, nearly every major Republican – aside from some House backbenchers – continue to support it. Most Senate Republicans think Biden is not doing enough.

Even on gender ideology, in which the public is decisively siding against the left, most Republicans won’t move beyond the talking point about saving female sports. In most red states, they are failing to completely fight the premise of transgenderism.

So on the one hand, the left-wing policies are as unpopular as they are destructive, and the people are beginning to rebel. We see that with a $28.7 billion loss in market value for Target, Anheuser-Busch, and Kohl's since they began promoting transgenderism. On the other hand, we lack an effective political movement to convert that energy to actual policy outcomes. Hence, we have an anvil that will accept, hold, and sustain our policies politically, but we are lacking a hammer to drive them.

If we fail to convert the potential to kinetic political energy, we will eventually lose the potential altogether. The perpetuation of liberal policies has the self-fulfilling effect of making the public more liberal. This is what happened to Europe, where the right can no longer fight back.

For example, Switzerland, unlike other countries, actually held a popular referendum on COVID mandates. They were upheld by 60%-62% of the public in two referendum votes in 2021. Yet even this week, long after the fear of COVID has dissipated and the facts of these failed policies have emerged, 62% approved the third referendum on COVID restrictions, which includes the continuation of vaccine certificates for another year. This policy enjoyed majority support in all but two of the 23 cantons. Also, in separate referendums, 59% supported a full “net zero” policy on carbon, aka modern living, by 2050. Another 80% supported a 15% corporate global minimum tax, a globalist idea the Democrats are pushing here through the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Switzerland is what blue America already looks like and what our country as a whole will morph into if we fail to act now. Rarely are we given such an advantage of such radical and destructive enemies who are so out of sync with the public. Time is of the essence, for if we fail to actually achieve policy victories now, the majority of the people will no longer be out of sync with the evil elites.

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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