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Oprah's 'Christianity' exposed: A spiritual virus deceiving millions
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Oprah's 'Christianity' exposed: A spiritual virus deceiving millions

When lies look like 'love' and truth looks like 'hate,' chances are Satan is behind it.

Depending on who you ask, Oprah Winfrey is either a beacon of wisdom or the most persuasive snake oil salesman of our time.

When you hear the name “Oprah,” different versions of her might come to mind. Are you picturing Oprah, the author and philanthropist, the inspiring woman who overcame hardship and has helped countless people? Or perhaps the talk show host who captivated audiences for decades?

This blasphemy is not new. This is the oldest deception of mankind.

Maybe you think of Oprah, the actress or the savvy businesswoman. Maybe all these aspects blend together in your mind, forming a deep sense of admiration for her. For others, despite her good works, it might be the opposite. Maybe you see a political activist, who has compromised her principles in the pursuit of social justice and identity politics. However you perceive her, that perspective shapes how you interpret her overall character.

But I believe one defining aspect of her stands out above the rest and ultimately shapes them all: Oprah, the spiritual guru.

Oprah says, “I’m a Christian, too.” Millions of people, including many Christians, look up to her as a spiritual authority. She quotes scripture, talks about a God of love, and says she believes in and follows Jesus and the gospel. But Christians all around the world scratch their heads in deep confusion because Oprah also fundamentally denies core Christian doctrines.

This is comparable to people who call themselves vegan yet go to town on extra greasy BLTs with sides of beef stew for dinner every night. How is this possible?

Because in Oprah’s spirituality, the identity of Jesus, the role of the Bible, the gospel — and even truth — have been redefined.


Oprah says she believes in Jesus, but her “Jesus” didn’t come to die on the cross for the sins of humanity.

She says, “I thought Jesus came, died on the cross, that Jesus’ being here was about his death and dying on the cross. [But] it really was about him coming to show us how to do it, how to be. To show us the Christ Consciousness.” Oprah’s Jesus really came to show us our divine potential in the Christ Consciousness — the inner divine spark within us all.

To Oprah, Jesus is the divine Son of God, but this is not a unique title that applies just to him. You are just as much the Christ, the I AM, as Jesus was. The key is to see how powerful and good you are, not a sinner who needs forgiveness from a holy God.

In biblical historic Christianity, Jesus is both fully God and fully human, the unique Christ and Son of God (John 1:1-14; John 3:16). He came to earth to die for our sins and offer us salvation through his death and resurrection, which is the foundation of the Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15:1-8).

The Bible? Truth?

Oprah says she believes in and reads the Bible, but to her, the Bible is not the exclusive word of God.

She’d agree that “the biblical God is a ‘starter kit’ God.” To her, the more spiritually evolved Christian position is that the Bible is up for interpretation depending on your heart's belief. You rely on the “internal voice of God.” The Bible has some truth in it, but it isn’t the only source of spiritual truth. God speaks to us individually from within. She openly demonstrates this by her numerous endorsements of progressive and New Age leaders.

For Oprah, anything read in scripture is read through a lens filled with feelings of love — with “love” defined subjectively, of course. She sums this up in an interview with Marianne Williamson when she says that “we are either walking in the direction of love or fear.”

Historic biblical Christians see the Bible as God's inspired, authoritative, and inerrant word (2 Timothy 3:16). It’s the source that contains the most reliable documents about who Jesus is, what he taught, and what he did. Understanding God's will and purpose for humanity is central to this. We test claims about Jesus and God against scripture to see what claims align with how God chose to reveal himself (1 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 John 4:1). Furthermore, Jesus calls himself the “truth” and Satan the “father of lies” (John 14:6; John 8:44).

When lies look like “love” and truth looks like “hate,” chances are Satan is behind it.

The gospel?

Oprah says she follows the gospel, but Oprah’s gospel is a mixture of self-empowerment, inner divinity, and the idea that thoughts shape reality.

To Oprah, Jesus is not the only way to salvation. She promotes living your best life, believing there are many paths to God, and emphasizing service, gratitude, and personal growth. Basically, it’s a works-based gospel preached with fluffy language.

In Oprah’s view of God and the gospel, we are not separated from God. The core of Oprah’s gospel is recognizing that we’ve never been separate from God and that he (or “it”) is within the heart of each person.

In historic biblical Christianity, the gospel is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. All humans have sinned and fall short of God’s perfect standard, with sin leading to death and separation from God (Romans 3:23). The Old Testament law showed that sin required atonement through sacrifice, pointing to the ultimate sacrifice — Jesus’ death on the cross.

Jesus fulfilled the law by offering himself as the perfect sacrifice, taking the punishment for sin, and rising from the dead to conquer death (Romans 4:25). His resurrection proves his victory and offers eternal life to all who believe in him. The gospel is received by faith, not by works, and guarantees salvation, reconciliation with God, and an eternal home in heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:16).

Rejecting the gospel means remaining under condemnation, but through Christ, there is no condemnation for those who believe (Romans 8:1).

The stealthy 'Oprah' belief ruining the gospel

It’s clear. Oprah can call herself a Christian and say she believes in and follows Jesus and spreads the gospel, but it’s a different Jesus and a different gospel.

But I believe there’s a deeper issue here: What is shaping Oprah’s spirituality? Where did her views come from? Many Christians understand that she sounds like a Christian and claims to be one, but her beliefs are anything but. Some might assume this is because Oprah is actually a New Ager.

She’s not.

Even she firmly denies being in the New Age. And I agree with her.

This is because she’s actually a follower of a belief system with far more influence than recognition: New Thought. In fact, her most foundational spiritual formation happened from reading New Thought material.

New Thought is much more deceptive than the New Age because it looks and sounds Christian. It’s metaphysical Christianity, a more enlightened, “better” version of Christianity. But it’s actually a stealthy spiritual virus. As you’ve briefly seen demonstrated above in some of Oprah’s beliefs, New Thought redefines core Christian doctrines but uses the same terms. Scripture has a deeper, more esoteric meaning, which explains the redefinition of these Christian terms.

This is precisely why Oprah identifies herself as a “Christian” who “follows Jesus” and “spreads the gospel.” But it’s a different Jesus she’s following and a different gospel that she’s spreading.

And this is how her New Thought beliefs are ruining the gospel. Her influence has led millions to embrace and spread this New Thought version of Jesus, turning it into a widespread spiritual deception.

Though there is no denying that Oprah has done many admirable things, and many might see her as a “good person,” her “goodness” isn’t the standard to be made right with God. Your good works are not enough to save you. Only the work of Jesus is. Nobody is “good.” Only God is good. The standard is perfection, not just “your best.” Perfection is an unattainable standard that nobody can reach, which is why we need Jesus.

But Oprah’s New Thought gospel tells you that you’re already whole, perfect, complete, and made right with God. You just need to realize it as God.

This blasphemy is not new. This is the oldest deception of mankind, that humanity could be like God.

Oprah’s distorted New Thought gospel elevates mankind and demotes God. It creates the illusion that you are good and don’t need a savior. But this is the mindset of the Pharisees, who thought their good works were enough to be made right with God. Jesus rebuked them for their self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and pride. This is why Jesus saved his harshest words for them — not because they were religious but because they refused to come to him for salvation.

The true gospel humbles us before a holy God, while Oprah’s gospel exalts humanity in place of him — offering not salvation but a deception as old as Eden.

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Melissa Dougherty

Melissa Dougherty

Melissa Dougherty is author of "Happy Lies" (Zondervan, January 2025) and is a Christian apologist best known for her YouTube channel with over 285,000 subscribers and counting.