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Man who pretends to be woman unrepentant about allegedly murdering parents. Cop worries about 'respect' suspect will receive.
Composite screenshot of Washington City Police Department Facebook post

Man who pretends to be woman unrepentant about allegedly murdering parents. Cop worries about 'respect' suspect will receive.

'I would do it again. I hate them.'

A Utah man who allegedly murdered both of his parents in cold blood earlier this week not only reportedly confessed to the crime, he also allegedly insisted he would "do it again" if he could.

Around 7 p.m. on Tuesday, a 28-year-old man whose given name was Collin Troy Bailey but who legally changed his gender to female and his name to Mia Bailey last year allegedly marched into his parents' home near St. George, Utah, with the intent to kill his family.

'We want to make sure that she knows that we’re going to treat her in the correct way and in a fair way.'

According to reports, his parents — 70-year-old Joseph Bailey and 69-year-old Gail Bailey — may have taken issue with his gender confusion. Neighbor Richard Zyszkiewicz told reporters that the family's relationship was volatile and that he got "bad vibes" from them.

Once inside the home, Mia Bailey allegedly opened fire on his parents. He also allegedly attempted to gun down his brother, who had locked himself in a bedroom but managed to escape to a neighbor's house and call the police.

When officers arrived on the scene, they found Mr. and Mrs. Bailey covered in blood and shell casings scattered all over the floor. The couple was pronounced dead at the scene. Two shots had struck Joseph Bailey, and four had struck his wife.

After an extensive manhunt, Mia Bailey eventually surrendered to police. The handgun on his person supposedly matched the caliber of the shell casings found at the home.

Once in police custody, Mia Bailey was surprisingly forthcoming, and according to an affidavit, showed no "remorse" about killing his parents. "I would do it again. I hate them," he allegedly said. He likewise "openly" expressed "hatred" for his brother, the affidavit added.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Bailey also seemed to have issues with other family members, who supposedly told police they were "afraid" of him. "These family members all sought alternative lodging ... to ensure their safety," the affidavit said.

Mia Bailey has been charged with three counts of aggravated murder, seven felony counts of discharging a weapon, and one count of aggravated burglary. Whether he is now housed at a women's or men's detention facility is unclear.

At least one area cop seemed eager to demonstrate just how accommodating law enforcement plans to be about Bailey's gender identity. "This isn’t the end for her, right?" said Lt. Kory Klotz, a public information officer with the Washington City Police Department who has repeatedly used female pronouns to describe the suspect, as Blaze News previously noted.

"We want to make sure that she knows that we’re going to treat her in the correct way and in a fair way and make sure our justice system is followed and that she gets the respect that she needs."

Police have not yet confirmed a motive for the shooting. It is unclear when Bailey is next scheduled to appear in court.

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Cortney Weil

Cortney Weil

Sr. Editor, News

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