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Dr. Fauci: 'If trying to save people's lives is a crime, then I'm guilty'
Allison Bailey/Middle East Images/AFP/Getty Images

Dr. Fauci: 'If trying to save people's lives is a crime, then I'm guilty'

'I, quite frankly, don’t know what they’re talking about.'

The hosts of "The View" fawned over Dr. Anthony Fauci as he explained he believes he has done nothing to warrant threats of being put in prison for his role in the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci is currently on a publicity tour to promote his new book, “On Call,” a memoir about his decades-long career in public health.

Host Sara Haines began her question to Fauci by noting COVID is no longer a public health threat, but the tensions about it "have not cooled."

"And we saw that on full display during your congressional hearing earlier this month, which we just witnessed, which even became a hot topic on this show, we discussed that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t the only Republican that’s actually calling for your criminal prosecution or imprisonment. How seriously do you take those threats?” Haines asked.

'Not only about what I have to face, but about the direction of the country and the social order and our democracy.'

“You know, obviously, you always take threats that people make seriously, but I, quite frankly, don’t know what they’re talking about," Fauci answered. "What are the charges, that you saved millions of lives with the vaccine that you helped develop? Or that you got people to do things that were interventions that made them more safe against a deadly pandemic that killed 1.2 million people? So if trying to save people’s lives is a crime, then I am guilty, you know."

Host Sunny Hostin then asked Fauci how he feels about the different threats he and his family have faced. Fauci said he is most upset about people who make credible threats against his daughters.

"You know, three young women, you know, in — in the beginning of their professional life, getting harassed, both for violence and sexually explicit threats, that’s unconscionable. And is that a reflection of who we are in this country or what is that? I just don’t get that, you know," he said.

Fauci went on to say that Republicans in Congress wanting to hold him accountable, such as for downplaying the theory COVID-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, is a threat to the public order.

"And that’s the thing that worries me, not only about what I have to face, but about the direction of the country and the social order and our democracy. It’s ... very threatening, I think.”

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Fauci: ‘If Trying to Save People’s Lives Is a Crime, Then I’m Guilty’www.youtube.com

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Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas is Blaze Media's National Correspondent.

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