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Fox News host rips 'the dumbest comment heard from a lawmaker in a very long time
It was confirmed Saturday afternoon that longtime Fox network host Eric Bolling's 19-year-old son passed away one day after Bolling was fired from Fox. (Image source: Fox News screenshot)

Fox News host rips 'the dumbest comment heard from a lawmaker in a very long time

Fox News host Eric Bolling called out Maine Sen. Angus King (I) Tuesday over "the dumbest comment heard from a lawmaker in a very long time."

King, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, had said earlier on MSNBC that the only way to prevent terrorist attacks in a free society is to "lock everybody down" like in North Korea. The comment came on the heels of an attack outside the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, where a man who was armed with a hammer went after a police offer while reportedly shouting, "This is for Syria!"

French counter-terrorism police are now handling the investigation into the incident.

Bolling took on the latest example of apparent terrorism on "The Fox News Specialists." In the opening of Tuesday's show, Bolling said:

The war on terror must be waged as a real war with a real enemy. The enemy must be named. It's radical Islamic terrorists. It's all hands on deck. See something say something. Civil libertarians, hold your noses. We can't let this slime creep into American streets. Surely, our lawmakers get this, right? They want to fight terror, right? Not lay down and roll over the jihadists and allow them to take hold here in America, right?

Bolling then played a clip of King from earlier in the day.

"It's very hard to prevent something like this in a free society," King told MSNBC in the wake of the Notre Dame attack. "The only way to be fully secure is to lock everybody down and I don't think any of us want to live in North Korea."

Bolling took issue with King's assertion that only communist dictatorship countries, such as North Korea, can prevent terror attacks.

"Let's not lock everyone down," Bolling rebutted.

Then, further characterizing what King said, Bolling continued, "Let's not lock down our vetting. Let's not tighten up our security and intel collections."

Bolling concluded the monologue giving King an award of sorts for his "North Korea" remark.

"Congratulations, senator, you take the prize for the dumbest comment heard from a lawmaker in a very long time," Bolling said.

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