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4 Lies from Obama's State of the Union
President Barack Obama delivers the State of the Union speech before members of Congress in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol January 12, 2016 in Washington, DC. In his last State of the Union, President Obama reflected on the past seven years in office and spoke on topics including climate change, gun control, immigration and income inequality. Also pictured are Vice President Joe Biden (Top L) and U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) (Top R). (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

4 Lies from Obama's State of the Union

Even though it's his last address, President Obama couldn't help himself but keep lying.

President Barack Obama addressed the joint session of Congress yesterday for his last State of the Union. This is a most fortunate event since Americans won’t have to listen to his blatant lies anymore. Here are the four worst of these lies/ voluntary omissions, making Pinocchio look like he ingested a truth serum.

President Barack Obama delivers the State of the Union speech before members of Congress in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol January 12, 2016 in Washington, DC. In his last State of the Union, President Obama reflected on the past seven years in office and spoke on topics including climate change, gun control, immigration and income inequality. Also pictured are Vice President Joe Biden (Top L) and U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) (Top R). (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

1. “The United States of America … has the strongest [economy in the world]”

When a president wants to brag, he usually talks about the state of the economy and find ways to make it look brighter. However, a closer look at the fact shows that it is he who “is peddling fiction.”

Most important of all, the U.S. is in yet another economic bubble as can be seen by the record highs in stock markets. Although the media will deny it, all the signs are there thanks to an unprecedented “money printing” from the Federal Reserve. The longer chairwoman Janet Yellen waits to increase interest rates and pop the bubble, the uglier it will get, maybe uglier than the 2007 housing crisis.

Second, the “real” unemployment rate – which includes people who stopped looking for work – is actually closer to 10 percent rather than five. It has therefore decreased by less than half its peak of 17.1 percent of late 2009. In addition, amid a “record” two-year job creation streak, less than 60 percent of the active population is working. These figures have not been seen since 1984.

2. “We shouldn’t weaken [Social Security and Medicare], we should strengthen them”

Just like George W Bush before him, Barack Obama is a huge fan of entitlement programs. He wants to reinforce Social Security and Medicare (and probably Medicaid too), which take 48 percent of the federal budget.

In other words he wants to accelerate the crashing of the economy. There is absolutely no way, even by taxing everyone all their income, that Washington can pay to the $42 trillion in liability (and counting) for Social Security and Medicare. These Ponzi schemes will run out of money respectively in 2034 and in 2030. And unless we use the “classical” solution of increasing taxes, both programs need to be seriously reformed, maybe even phased out.

3. “I believe a thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy.”

Since this is America, the president has to at least pay lip service to one of its founding principles: laissez-faire capitalism. However in practice and a few lines down, Obama laid his fascist nature bare.

First of all, accusing Wall Street of recklessness is like accusing a prostitute of “asking for it.” Yes, many bankers have made risky loans, but only before the government put a gun at their heads to do it. Think about it: as a banker would you really grant a mortgage to someone who has basically no hopes of paying it back?

Also, Big Banks (insert scapegoat du jour) are not making the rules; the federal government is. And despite admitting that “there’s red tape that needs to be cut,” Obama has just added more. His administration added more than 100,000 new restrictions between 2009 and 2015; more than any president since Jimmy Carter at the same period. In other words he does not believe that “workers and start-ups and small businesses need more of a voice.” Instead he favors the big businesses he so loves to revile.

4. "Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it. You’ll be pretty lonely, because you’ll be debating our military, most of America’s business leaders, the majority of the American people..."

Finally, Obama’s lies wouldn’t be complete without reciting his sermon from the Green Church about the long-debunked scientific consensus on climate change. But even if we ignore this lie, and the one about plant food (CO2) being pollution, Obama showed how little care he has for human life.

Indeed, as author Alex Epstein exposed in his book, solar and wind are highly inefficient and expensive. They can only become “affordable” with massive government grants, which the Obama administration has done abundantly. So every job he claims will be created with his “green” policies will destroy more than one elsewhere. Let’s just hope he doesn’t want to push on “green” energy the way Spain did.

America, your eight-year nightmare with the Obama administration is almost over. Use his last State of the Union address as a reminder that you can’t let another fool rule the country as he did.

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